Step 1 of 2

Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining NECHAMA for an on-site Hurricane Helene deployment. If you would like to use this information to register for our virtual response, please email after completing this form.
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
How did you hear about NECHAMA?(Required)
Are you registering as part of a delegation from an organization?
Have you ever volunteered with NECHAMA before?
Are You Interested in day volunteer opportunities or deploying with NECHAMA?(Required)
COVID 19 Vaccination
To ensure the safety of NECHAMA volunteers, staff and clients, NECHAMA prefers that all volunteers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, meaning that they received the initial COVID-19 vaccinations and all boosters recommended by the CDC. NECHAMA will not accept volunteers who have currently tested positive for COVID-19 or had COVID-19 within the last week. While NECHAMA will accept volunteers who are not vaccinated for COVID-19, those volunteers may not be eligible for any communal housing while volunteering with NECHAMA and may be restricted from participating in indoor volunteer work.
NATURE OF ACTIVITY - NECHAMA – Jewish Response to Disaster and the undersigned (“Volunteer”) want to work together on disaster relief and cleanup efforts, sandbagging or training for same including chainsaw training. The Volunteer understands that he/she may be involved in disaster relief, sandbagging or training, including traveling to and from sites(s) and using various tools and equipment including but not limited to chain saws provided by NECHAMA.

RISK OF INJURY - Volunteer acknowledges and agrees that activities involved in the disaster relief, sandbagging or training efforts are inherently dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage. Therefore, the Volunteer expressly agrees to assume such risk and forever release and hold NECHAMA, its agents, employees, representatives and volunteers, harmless from any and all liability, claims and demands (legal and equitable) for injury, illness, death, or property damage resulting from the Volunteer’s travel to and from disaster sites(s) and work and/or disaster relief, sandbagging or training efforts with NECHAMA whether caused by the negligence of NECHAMA, its agents, employees, representatives or volunteers, or otherwise.

USE OF LIKENESS - Volunteer acknowledges and agrees that any pictures, images or written accounts containing their likeness or name may be used by NECHAMA in its discretion for promotion or publication purposes. Same may be disseminated without permission unless specifically requested by the volunteer in writing within 10 days from the time of participation in a NECHAMA sponsored activity. Any pictures, images, likenesses or written accounts created by or submitted to NECHAMA remains its sole property.

INSURANCE - NECHAMA does not provide medical or accident insurance of any kind to the Volunteer. NECHAMA strongly encourages the Volunteer to provide for such coverage from the Volunteer's own resources. If the Volunteer has medical insurance, please provide NECHAMA staff with the name of your insurer, membership/account number, and contact phone number. NECHAMA staff can provide you with information about a source of affordable medical insurance if you are interested. NECHAMA and the Volunteer intend this General Release and Waiver of Liability to be a legal document construed as broadly and inclusively as permitted by the laws of the State of Minnesota. NECHAMA and the Volunteer agree that any claims, controversies or other matter arising between NECHAMA and the Volunteer will be determined pursuant to the law of the State of Minnesota in a court, or alternative dispute resolution within the State of Minnesota, regardless of where this agreement (General Release and Waiver of Liability) may be signed and regardless of the residency of the Volunteer. The Volunteer has read and voluntarily signs this General Release and Waiver of Liability and further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducements apart from this written General Release and Waiver of Liability have been made. The Volunteer certifies that the information given is correct to the best of his/her knowledge.

I agree to receive communications from NECHAMA.

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Emergency Contact Name(Required)
Are you under the age of 18?(Required)