It’s no secret that NECHAMA has a long and rich history of working with teams that originate from AmeriCorps NCCC campuses across the country. A quick glance through our program updates highlights one or more teams that have served with NECHAMA programs across the country.

And the best thing about this relationship- AmeriCorps volunteers give back long after they are done with their service term! They give back in many ways to their local community upon returning home. We see them returning to NECHAMA as volunteers, staff, and donors to continue their service beyond their AmeriCorps service year. In fact, more than half of our current staff is made up of former AmeriCorps volunteers!!

One thing you may not know about this relationship- each campus holds a Life After AmeriCorps (LAA) Day during times of transition. LAA Day is a community event where Corps members attend information sessions, panels, and an Opportunities Fair to discover various avenues of service, employment, and educational opportunities after their AmeriCorps graduation.

Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, NECHAMA staff presented at a number of these events at AmeriCorps campuses across the country. Today, our Operations Director, Dorothy Maples, and Operations Coordinator, Celina Sarko, (both former AmeriCorps Alumni) are attending the LAA Day at the Vicksburg, MS campus. They will promote NECHAMA at the Opportunities Fair, raising awareness for our volunteer and staff opportunities.

Interested in learning more about AmeriCorps service opportunities? Click here to visit the AmeriCorps Website.