As a donor-funded organization, NECHAMA has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are adjusting to a new world of social distancing and isolation, an environment in which our traditional operating model for responding to natural disasters is not feasible. With our resources limited and COVID-19 making the prospects for raising funds uncertain, financial stresses have been exacerbated.

To allow us to continue serving those in need as long as possible during these challenging financial times, NECHAMA’s Board eliminated the role of Executive Director effective Wednesday, March 25. On behalf of the entire organization, we thank David Kaplan for his 3 years of service to and leadership of our organization and are greatly appreciative of his passion for our work and for the NECHAMA community.

All other NECHAMA staff remains fully operational and has been identifying and assessing promising opportunities to work with old and new partners to provide comfort in response to this new type of disaster. Our organization’s departmental Directors are continuing their effective leadership through these turbulent times and have the full trust, support, and engagement of the Board.

Please consider a donation to help us survive the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We hope this message finds you safe and healthy.


The NECHAMA Board Officers

Seth Gardner, President

Stephen Matloff, Vice President

Liz Farrell, Treasurer & Secretary