NECHAMA staff and volunteers spent the day helping residents in the Myrtle Beach area sandbag and evacuate their homes in preparation for more flooding over the next few days. Hurricane Florence may have officially passed but with more rain on the way and rivers and dams at capacity, there is nowhere for the water to go. Previously unaffected residents are being told to pack up and leave their homes.

After getting the call for help from local officials in the area, our team arrived early this morning and began working alongside homeowners. “I already feel a connection with these people,” says Operations Director Dorothy Maples. “Many in the community have stopped by to thank us, and someone kindly bought us lunch.”

Many residents in the area experienced the torrential rains and widespread flooding caused by Hurricane Matthew in 2016, some of whom are still recovering. They have been told this flooding is expected to be worse.

We will continue helping today as long as possible. Our team has to clear out ahead of the flooding as well, and the rising waters are already visible after only a few hours. At this point, we wait it out. Once the water recedes next week, we’ll be back in the community.

From helping people sandbag and evacuate, to muck and gut response work, NECHAMA stands ready to respond to calls for help in the aftermath of Florence. Please join us by responding to this call for help and donate to NECHAMA today!

David Kaplan
Executive Director
NECHAMA – Jewish Response to Disaster