Since April 26, well over 100 tornadoes have hit the Midwest. Over 30 of those impacted Oklahoma, with major forecasters predicting more to come. As soon as the first tornadoes hit, NECHAMA mobilized an emergency response. NECHAMA deployed to Holdenville in South Oklahoma and then redeployed to Barnesville in Northeastern Oklahoma. We focused on debris and brush removal to help homeowners begin the process of recovery and rehabilitation. We aided 11 families in debris removal and completed 19 assessments for future recovery efforts. This could not have been possible without the tremendous efforts from our volunteers!

Amanda, a homeowner, said “Your team came and helped today with tree debris. Great bunch of people. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it. I will carry the kindness shown to me today for many years.”

NECHAMA would like to extend a special gratitude to the Jewish Federation of Tulsa and the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City, as well as the synagogues in those two communities, who helped mobilize volunteers. We would also like to thank the Barnard Memorial United Methodist Church for the warm embrace they gave our team during our tornado response. Our time in Holdenville and Barnesville was deeply meaningful. We will continue to aid victims of natural disasters. Hurricane season starts on June 1st and we look forward to continuing our work, with your support.