Dear friend,

As I organized our warehouse in preparation for the spring hurricane season, I came upon letters in our archives that flowed in after Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, Maria, Harvey, Ida and countless other disasters, some from clients and others from volunteers. Please read two selections below:

Marley, a Baton Rouge flood volunteer: Thank you so much for your service in Baton Rouge and the surrounding area. I’ve heard personal stories from people that you have helped and am extremely grateful. Being from New Orleans, I know how severe the damage was, and I know a lot of lives have been touched by the flooding. Your organization makes me so proud to be Jewish and so proud that my religion cares for other people. Speaking for myself and others, we express our gratitude towards NECHAMA. Thank you so much for your service and caring.

Shifra, a Michigan flood victim: The flood was rough for everyone affected but more so for my family. You see two weeks before I had been diagnosed with cancer and scheduled to begin chemotherapy two days after the flood. As soon as we heard about NECHAMA, we called you and you guys came running, eager to help us out. You cleared out our house first before anyone else in the neighborhood. The amount of elbow grease and time you guys gave us is enormous. We cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming sensitivity and generosity. Thanks to your help, we got all the germs and dirt out of the house before me, the cancer patient, came home from the hospital. Thankfully, I am now finished treatment and can truly say that part of my survival is due to your organization. With thanks forever.

Utilizing volunteers, NECHAMA embodies the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repair of the world) and provides a tangible response to natural disasters. Our spring appeal ensures we have sufficient resources to deploy throughout the year. Please consider making a donation today and share with me what draws you to NECHAMA.

If you celebrate Passover, I hope you have a meaningful seder.
Chag pesach sameach!

Stephan Kline,
Chief Executive Officer